Donald for Hillary


Of entrepreneurs, of business men and women. This is a special group of people. They love taking risk. Their drug is adrenaline, they adventure in the world of unknown. If life is too certain, these people become suspicious, they are restless and they question more in calm waters than in a storm. Theirs is a life of chase. If they were animals, a meal isn’t safe for consumption if they didn’t kill it themselves. It’s like a cat playing with a dead mouse. Not interesting! Theirs is a life that most people cannot understand.

When dealing with business people and entrepreneurs, the rules must change. They succeed through satisfying your needs. They will think of all the problems that you might be going through and help you to solve them. They may even end up creating problems for you. Problems you didn’t know about but still, you pay for the solutions and your quality of life succeeds. They manipulate. Active and proactive manipulation. Ever thought of all the things you bought out of just a good word put out there for them?

There is another group that is openly manipulative. Your guess is right. Politicians! Unfortunately, countries have politicians as their leaders. The science of government is politics. Where am I going with this? Politicians and business men/women live off each other. Right hand extending the opposite left and the left receiving from the opposite right. It’s a cycle. None will dominate without the other. Businesses need tenders, we call them deals. Politicians need the money for their campaigns and class. In other words, we are ruled by two manipulative, thrill seeking and hungry groups. Politicians and entrepreneurs.

Wait for it… the Americans are voting in November. A politician and a top businessman are on the track. Rubber has hit road. Why would a successful business man want to leave the board-room meetings for white house? The man is smart, good at what he does and he is 70yrs old. There is a problem here. American presidency is not a tool for self-esteem. It’s a real job! In the unlikely chance that he is as manipulative to the society as he has been throughout his business meetings, what could be cooking in New York? What if Donald doesn’t really want the presidency? Here comes my small hypothesis; could the democrats have gotten one better than the republicans? How? By planting one man they can easily beat in November. Donald could easily be a democrat’s pace-setter. A coincidence of two New York son and daughter in the arena? Call it zero chance or an overstretched mind but that is what politicians are made of. They make the society believe that everything is impossible until they solve it.

If this hypothesis is true, we might not know today or tomorrow. Maybe through a special documentary in 2050 of “how the Americans got duped”. What if he goes on to win it? Well even rabbits, and marathon pacesetters have a right to win it. However; the easiest candidate to lose to a female opponent in America can only be an unlikely candidate. Who else than Donald. Either way we are in for something historic. If Hilary wins, Donald will have delivered the win to her doorstep. She and fellow democrats will have at-least 4 years to repay the debt.

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